Onder de categorie "op het scherp van de sikkel" wil ik in het vervolg (messcherpe) opiniestukken publiceren. De naam is gestolen van een column van de Avante.
I am a academic researcher and activist based in Coimbra. I hold a PhD in Political Science at the Centro de Estudos Sociais at Coimbra University, Portugal. I detain a master degree in Political Science and a master in Complementary Economics, both from the University of Ghent. My main research interest concern the study of democracy, social movements, social protests and critical political science, political economy and political ecology. I was a researcher at Gaspar, Ghent University and I'm part of Ecosoc, the research group on Political Ecology at CES/UC. As a guest-lecturer I lecture on Labour and Ecology and on Democracy and Socialist Theory at PhD programs at the University in Coimbra. My PhD research focussed on the influence of the euro crisis on democratic legitimacy in Southern Europe, and Portugal in particular. As an activist I have been active in antifascist movements, in student movements (Actief Linkse Studenten, Plataforma anti-Fundação...), socialist organizations (such as LSP, SR...) ...
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